
Showing posts from September, 2017

No More Bullying! Are Our Schools Equipped To Address This Issue?

"Mommy, the kids in my class and on my bus say they think I am a girl and ask if I am gay." I've had enough!  Too many times has my son come to me with a down-cast look, his shoulders slumped and near tears after hearing an onslaught of taunts from his peers throughout the day. The definitions of bullying range from "abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable" to "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance...the behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time."   Harassment is defined as "causing the person alarm or distress."   Teasing is defined as "to laugh at and criticize someone in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind."  Either of these definitions can apply to what my son is experiencing and I want it to stop. I don't think our schools are equipped to handle this issue.  At least not the school where o

My First Day As A Business Owner!

On September 5th, I began my first day as a business owner.  Filled with excitement, I met with my first appointment of the day at 8:00 am.  As I thought about my journey to becoming a business owner, I realized I had some tips to share with others who might be venturing out on their own, or who simply are attempting to achieve a major milestone. Don't have time to read the full blog?  Check out my video on YouTube where I share the three tips. #1.  Make the Decision-Today, make the decision to accomplish what you are wanting to achieve.  If it is owning your own business, decide today.  If your goal is to return to school, make the decision today.  Or if you are an aspiring author, decide today that you will achieve your goal.  Once you make  up in your mind that you are going to do it, you invite positive energy to channel your way and things will begin to fall into place.  Every action thereafter will be a step closer to your dream. #2.  Keep Your Focus-It is easy to