
Showing posts from March, 2017

Covering Our Children in Prayer During the Month of March

Join us during the month of March as we cover our children in prayer.  We will use Stormie Omartian's "The Power of a Praying Parent" study guide as a resource. #ProtectOurSeed. #IBelieveTheChildrenAreOurFuture #PrayingParents Day 1 - Becoming a Praying Parent Father, as we commit the month of March to praying for our children we begin by praying for ourselves as parents. We release any feelings of guilt and condemnation we have felt in the area of parenting. We thank you for covering any mistakes we may have made and for your grace and mercy. You have selected each of us to serve as a parent. We do not take that for granted and know that we can do all things through you, even being the best Mom and Dad our children need. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and with that knowledge we stand with our armor of God ready for the fight. We know that in James 4:7 we are to resist the enemy and he will flee. So we are joined toge